Wellness Coaching
A wellness coach isn’t just your cheerleader, teacher, or coach. Because wellness coaching isn’t just about support, teaching, or practice – it’s all of the above and so much more.
Jennie Malek works with the whole person because you’re a whole person. This means your health and wellness coaching will include nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, physical and mental activities, and support and understanding from your coach. These services are provided exclusively by phone or telemedicine.

In some cases, Jennie Malek will sit down with you and create a plan to help you succeed in your life.

Managing stress can seem daunting–Jennie will help you to create the tools to better manage your ongoing stressors.

Goal setting seems miniscule, but plays a huge part in how you prioritize your life. Jennie Malek will help you set and reach attainable goals.

Once your goals are in place, an agenda needs to be set so meeting them won’t seem like such a challenge.

Diet and nutrition play a huge part in how you feel during the day—in consultation with your doctor, Jennie Malek will help you choose the right foods given your current conditions.

Although it may seem small, managing your expectations is a necessity to keeping a realistic view on your progress.